EfSD Framework

EfSD Implementation Framework


This framework is intended to assist and clarify what are the requirements and processes needed to implement programs in Education for Sustainable Development (EfSD). The framework should be used as a guide for practitioners who want to drive effective educational programs in sustainable development with community involvement.

The framework recognizes the specificity of each program and offers the opportunity to use different approaches, methodologies and means useful for EfSD.

Diagnostic y Public:

1. Does the education program address a sustainable development issue?

Yes or no

Facilitate background information and precedents of the problem (location, aspects of sustainable development involved, previous programs delivered in Sustainable Development (SD), stakeholders, additional considerations for delivering an educational program)

2. Is the target group of the program relevant for the issue? Are there any relevant group not included in the program? If so, why are these groups excluded?

Describe target profile, which include age, location, gender, and socioeconomic status.

3. How does the target group relate with the issue? Are they able to change it and how? Or is this a program for building capacities for the future? (Tilbury & Ross 2006)

Indicate the relations between the target group and the issue, indicate how the education program can improve the issue.

4. What are the current attitudes and behaviours of the target group with respect to the issue?

Indicate the attitudes and behaviours and explain how they are connected with the issue.

5. Who is delivering the program? How it is financed?

Provide details of the persons / team involved, their background relevant for the program and their roles. Give details of the costs of the program and the budgeting.


1. What are the learning objectives of the program and how they are going to be measured? How do these objectives support the changes needed to address the issue and the aspirations of the target group? In what way does the objectives help to envision a sustainable future? (Tilbury 2005)

Provide the learning objectives of the program

2. What are the skills, attitudes and abilities relevant for EfSD that the participants are going develop? How do these attitudes and abilities help to change the issue?

Some of the relevant skills, attitudes and abilities on EfSD are: critical thinking, creative thinking, empowerment, participation, research, communication, leadership and advocacy, partnership for change, negotiating, motivation and goal setting. Indicate how the skills, attitudes and abilities are related with the issue.

3. What is the methodology and tools used for this program? How does the educational methodology provide an active approach for EfSD (learning by doing)? (Consumer Citizenship Network 2008)

Provide an explanation of the methods and tools used for the program and how are connected to the active approach.


1. How is the program organized to meet the learning objectives? What components of EfSD are considered for the program? How is the program articulated with the different components of EfSD? Present the program through the following matrix (the assessment column should be completed in question 1 of the Outcomes section).

Table 1

Objective Component Activity Skills Outcome Assessment

These are some of the components of EDFSD 1) Envisioning, 2) values clarification/cultural thinking, 3) participation 4) partnerships, 5) critical thinking and reflection, 6) systemic thinking

2. What is the process of capacity building to be used for this program? Describe how it is going to be implemented in terms of participation and involvement. Here an example of the Wheel of engagement.

Outcomes and Assessment

1. Did the objectives and the outcomes of the program were achieved?

Provide the results of the assessment using table 1 (Organization section).

2. How are the participants involved in the assessment of the program? What aspects of the program are evaluated by the participants?

Provide the method used to assess the program by the participants and the results.

3. How could the program be improved?

Consider the answers 1 and 2 of this section.

4. How is systematized the process and implementation of the program? What reflections bring the systematization in the learning process?

Provide the systematization of the program

5. What are the lessons learned by trainers in terms of team work?


Consumer Citizenship Network 2008, “Images and Objects” Active Methodology Toolkit, viewed 2 May 2014, <http://www.developmenteducation.ie/redirect.php?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.developmenteducation.ie%2Fmedia%2Fdocuments%2FESD+Toolkit%5B1%5D.pdf&s=RESOURCES&a=AVAILABLE&d=185>.

Tilbury, DACK 2005, A National Review of Environmental Education and its Contribution to Sustainability n Australia: Frameworks for Sustainability – Key Findings, viewed 2 May 2014, <http://www.aries.mq.edu.au/projects/national_review/files/volume1/Vol_1Summary_Nov05.pdf>.

Tilbury, D & Ross, K 2006, Documenting good practice in Education for Sustainability in NSW The Framework, viewed May 2014, <http://www.aries.mq.edu.au>.

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